It is very important that you have experience of handling a horse or pony before entering into horse ownership, here is a list of handling skills that you should gain experience of:
Realise the need for fair and consistent behaviour from yourself, the handler, at all times.
Understand how horse's communicate including their body language, be able to recognise these signals and use your own body language to influence the horse.
Learn about the evolution of the horse and you'll begin to understand how their instincts affect the way they react.
Be able to lead a horse or pony in a headcollar and in a bridle.
Be able to tie a horse safely.
Be able to catch and turnout a horse in a field with other horses.
Be able to put rugs on and take them off.
Know about tack and how to put on and take off a saddle and bridle.
Be able to pick up a horse's feet.