Before entering into horse or pony ownership you should make sure that you know enough about the care of the horse to ensure that you know how to look after him properly. The following skills should be aquired even if you intend to have someone else looking after your horse that way you will be confident that your horse is being looked after correctly and you'll know what to do in an emergency:
Knowledge of the rules of feeding.
Know how to feed and water horses.
How to assess a horse's condition.
Be able to put on a headcollar and tie up the horse correctly and prepare the stable for work.
Understanding of why you need to groom.
Know the difference between grooming the stabled horse and the grass kept pony.
Recognise overgrown feet, risen clenches, and worn, loose or lost shoes and understand the importance of good farriery.
Know about different types of bedding.
Be able to muck out a stable.
Know how to use a haynet and tie one up.
Understand the basics of pasture management and why it is so essential.
Know how to check a field for hazards including the difference between suitable and unsuitable fencing and how to recognise poisionous plants.
Know the signs of good and ill health in a horse.
Know how to check a horse's temperature, pulse and respiration rate.
Understand preventative health care including: worming, vaccinations and dentistry.
Be able to recognise lameness.
Know when emergency veterinary assistance is required eg. know when a horse is colicing and a wound needs veterinary attention.
Be able to catch and turnout a horse in a field with other horses.
Know how to put rugs on and take them off.
Be able to put on and take off a saddle, bridle.
Know about tack and how to clean it.