This is Charlie the pony cob found wandering the streets in Ireland at the height of the horse meat scandal. Just one of thousands of abandoned equines, Charlie hit the news because he had previously been microchipped which led to his being identified as a horse that had been slaughtered in an Irish abbatoir in March 2012.
But of course Charlie wasn't dead he was, although starving, very much alive. The gardai (Irish police) asked Hungry Horse Outside an equine rescue centre in Longford to take Charlie in and it was they who discovered that he had supposedly been slaughtered.
This probably means that Charlie's passport was sold to be used so that another, possibly larger, horse could go to slaughter.
Charlie's previous owner was contacted but she had let Charlie go some 3 years ago and although upset to hear of his plight was unable to take him back. So Charlie is currently in the care of Hungry Horse Ouside but he is looking for a new home. If you think you have the facilities and knowledge to give Charlie a home please contact Hungry Horse Outside.