Brian and Anne Smith founded Carolina Compost to dispose of the ever growing muck heap created by their horse boarding operation Silver Star Farm, in Camden, North Carolina.
They knew they had to do something as the horse waste was polluting their wetlands by leaching into the soil and water table; plus it was horrible to look at and the fly population started to rise.
Carolina Compost use a forced aeration compost system designed by O2Compost that:
- Controls the pile temperature, destroying pathogens, parasites and weed seeds
- Significantly increases the rate of composting
- Mitigates problems with offensive odors, flies and rodents
- Degrades vaccines, antibiotics, deworming products and pesticides
- Converts a raw waste into a humus-rich soil amendment for use in pastures
- Is ideal for pre-composting feedstocks for vermi-composting
- Produces a compost rich in aerobic microbes, ideal for compost tea.