This month's newsletter offers a a few suggestions for rodent control, to receive our monthly Horse Care Newsletter straight to you inbox simply send us a quick email using Newsletter as the subject. We will only ever send you our newsletters, we won't spam you and we won't share your email with anyone else and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Do you have unwelcome stable guests?
Some say we’re never more than a few feet away from a rat and let’s be honest the stable / barn environment is a wonderful place for a rodent, be it rat or mouse: warm, dry, plentiful nesting materials and food. So what can we do to help eradicate rodents in the stable? Here are our top tips for rodent control around the stable yard.
Clean & Tidy :
Avoid feed spillage.
Feed should be kept in metal containers with tight fitting lids.
Sweep up any food spillages and dispose of in a metal dustbin with lid.
Keep feeds prepared in advance in rodent proof containers.
Don’t allow grass and vegetation to grown long around the stables, keep it trimmed low with a strimmer or lawn mower.
When mucking out make sure you regularly remove the “banks” of straw at sides and corners to prevent rodents nesting in them.
Store rugs etc in sealed containers, don’t heap them up in corners, they make great nesting areas.
Cats & Dogs
Many stable yards use a cat or terrier or both to help keep the rodent population down, although not completely effective it will help and some cat rescue charities have working mousers available for adoption.
If you use a cat or a dog great care must be taken if using poison.
Also remember rodents will eat cat and dog food as well, don’t leave it lying around in bowls uneaten and store any feed in metal bins with tight lids.
Poisons should only be used to manufacturers’ instructions and only in a specially purchased baiting box. Care must be taken with the use of poisons around children, other animals and wildlife such as birds.
Traps are often the best solution, make sure they are carefully baited and set up correctly safely away from pets and other wildlife. Live traps aren’t recommended as rodents will often return to their territory after you release them!
Rodent Proofing
Steel wool can be used to block existing rat holes.
Cover drain pipe spouts with wire mesh.
The area under pallets makes is perfect for rodents, avoid using them if possible.
Rodents love hollow walls, if you’re having a new stable or barn built avoid them, if you have hollow walls consider removing one board.
Repair any holes that may be used for entry.
If you do have snakes around your yard don’t disturb them as they make great rodent controllers!
The above are a few tips to help keep your stable / barn rodent free.