Wearing a riding helmet is one of the simplest things you can do to reduce the risk of injury when both riding and working with horses but your riding helmet can only offer protection to your head if it is in tip top condtion and fits properly. So when should you replace your riding helmet?
Most manufacturers and safety organizations recommend that horse riding helmets are replaced at least every 5 years, some say 3. Time, sunlight, hot and cold conditions, can all take their toll on the materials the helmet is made from. Sweat, rain, even dust can begin to degrade the padded helmet lining. If you're riding frequently you'll need to replace the helmet sooner.
Your helmet will need replacing if you fall and hit your head on the ground even if it doesn't show any damage it may be weakened and unable to protect you if you take another fall.
To protect your head your helmet needs to fit snuggly, if you change the way you wear your hair when riding or change your hairstyle your riding helmet may no longer fit correctly. New hairstyles often mean new riding helmets.
Your helmet will need replacing if the fastenings are damaged, a riding helmet cannot protect your head if it doesn't stay on.
Riding helmet maunfacturers are constantly looking at new technologies to make their range of hats even more protective, keep up to date with what's new and change your riding helmet as and when safer models appear on the market.
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