The rider has to want to learn, truly and honestly, without making excuses, without blaming the horse, the saddle, the bit, the footing, the boots, the breeches, the farrier, the vet, whatever. The desire to learn must be greater than anything else, pride, vanity, ego, everything. It comes down to the question of how important it is to the rider to really learn to ride, and how far he or she wants to go in his or her riding. - Thomas Ritter
Click the following links for more horse quotes:
Horse Quotes, Favourite Horse Quotes,
For the love of horses Dorothy Brooke
"A career or a life with horses?" Molly Sivewright, Thinking Riding.
"genetic proclivity toward the equine species..." Allan J Hamiliton quote
"Maximizing your own knowledge of horse health ..." Douglas O Thal quotation
"His closest friends were his horses ..." Sir Henry Cecil
"People ought to quit worrying so much about whispering to their horses ..." Greg Darnall.
Never to lose one's temper with the horse is a good precept - Xenophon
Good riding is an affair of skill but bad rising is an affair of courage - Colnel VDS Williams OBE
Brazillian proverb - He made the horse
The jewel of my childhood - ponies -Nell Gifford
Your horse should be a trusted friend - Xenophon
Praise for thoroughbreds - Dianne Grod
The horse is a very noble creature - Desmond Morris
Make him your FRIEND - Oliveira
stables are the real centre of the household - George Bernard Shaw
Monica Dickens - You and your horse,
Sherlock Holmes - Game of Shadows
Black Elk - A Sky Full of Horses
Seabiscuit - Quotation from the film
Anna Sewell - quote about bad tempers and horses
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