Traditional costumes are a brilliant source of inspiration for fantastic fancy dress costumes for both horse and rider. The above image shows a horse and rider from a Durbar festival in Nigeria where processions of horsemen in antique ceremonial gear parade as part of the Muslim festivals of Eis al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.
For more photographs of Durbar horses and regalia check out Nigel Dickinson's Durbar Fantasia Kano
Above image: Andy Waite via Wikipedia
Other Equine Fancy Dress Friday posts include:
Horse dressed as Little Miss Muffet's Spider
The cardboard costume challenge
Halloween Fancy Dress for Your Horse Video
Pegasus Chariot Amazing Equine Fancy Dress
Video of horse and rider costumes
Moulin Rouge costume for horse and rider
Little Bo Peep has lost her Sheep
Night mare costume for horse & children
Horse dressed for diving / swimming horse costume
Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf
Horses and Ponies dressed as Unicorns
How to paint your horse's skeleton
Sunflower Horse and Bumble Bee Handler
If Wishes Were Ponies - Franga Designs
Miniature Horses in Fancy Dress
Instructions for making an equine poodle costume here