Obviously for both your own and your horse's welfare you want to avoid falling from your horse / your horse falling not just at shows but all the time. Here are a few tips to help you avoid a fall:
Check the going, if it's muddy your horse might slip, carefully examing ground conditions will help you decide if studs are necessary and which ones to use.
Be sure your horse is fit enough for the task you're asking of him, tiredness eg. at the end of a cross country course, can lead to mistakes and falls.
Don't overface your horse, competition time isn't the time to introduce your horse to big fences or fences they have never seen before.
When jumping do not interfere with your horse's natural ability to get out of trouble, have confidence in both your horse's and your own ability.
We're not suggesting you try this, but this is how accomplished horseman Richard Spooner helped his horse get out of trouble: